First of all....


    I wasn't able to get on this for Halloween - so I hope everyone had a good one!  My oldest decided she was too old to TRICK OR TREAT and didn't go. She did dress up in a Ware-Wolf mask and hung out on the porch with her friends... she was surprised when some of her friends from school went by TRICK OR TREATING .... and as they told me they would be TRICK OR TREATING even when they're 18... I mentioned this to Tiff and she just giggled... LOL... 8th grade I was STILL Trick or Treating, but I guess this generation just doesn't know the meaning of "Fun".... smh... any way... My middle and youngest went as  Monarch Butterfly and Michael Myers... It was amazing to see all the girls and little kids screaming MICHAEL as my son passed... I joked with him and told him to say HI to his fans..especially the little ones who thought he was the real guy! LMAO.... he got a LOT of attention for it.

The kids had a good time, and got lots of candy as well... we dodged the rain for a few hours and got home just in time for it to pour! 
I had to laugh because some towns even canceled Halloween and made it Friday... seriously, how do you tell a child they can't TRICK OR TREAT on Halloween because of the rain???  This is Chicago where I live... we prepare for SNOW on Halloween... LMAO...
It also made me laugh a bit because my youngest daughter was sick the day before Halloween. She was throwing up and had a fever, so that night - I took her to the hospital and she seemed better ...she was laughing, joking, bouncing around and such... and she had no fever at the hospital...
well, one of the nurses told me she looks well hydrated, looks good, her cheeks are rosy, she has no fever..and that we can leave or stay but if we stayed , it would be about 4 hours before we even got a room. I did NOT want to wait that long, Lani did seem better... so , I turned the nurse if she got worse - we'd come back. The nurse agreed that was a good idea, and wrote down the things Lani should and shouldn't eat while being sick... she also told me NO SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY, AND NO TRICK OR TREATING!
Yeah right - tell a 5 year old she can't trick or treat.....ppppffffftttt!!!!  I thought that was a little extreme and as a parent... didn't think that was nessassary to stop her from it if she was better.
Plus, the nurse didn't even seem like she enjoyed her job and had a shitty attitude to begin with.
Needless to say... I did let her go.. she was so much better, and she even had a great time in school at her Halloween party there! 

     Now - let's move on to things going on in my life....

   I finally got the e-mail I have been waiting for... In December... I will be taking my Chicago Police Exam. My mother knows a lot of cops and asked them if there is anything they think my brother and I should know before going in. (He takes his the 11th)... who would have thought us little cons would have been Cops?! lmao... seriously tho, one of the cops my mother knows told her we need to be honest about EVERYTHING , including all arrests in our pasts. I don't hide things going on in my life... or things I've been through. I'm pretty open about my life - past and present - and everything in my past is a lesson learned... I have been arrested in the past... but , for nothing big.. thankfully!  I keep my nose clean now and stay out of trouble. All my arrests as a Juvenile have been pety  - and my 2 arrests as an adult have been pety.... my brother has also been arrested ... his is more major, but that was a few years back, and I pray neither of us get held back because of it. We have both changed our lives for the better and are nothing like we use to be.
I'm excited and scared at the same time but this could be the big life changer I've been waiting for.  Ah ... in a month or so - I shall know the verdict and will share it with ya'll....... pray for me! 

      As for everything else....everything is okay... Looking for a new job, looking for an apartment to move... trying to get everything together... I recently started watching the 700 club every morning which is a great inspirational tv reality program where people call in with questions, prayers, etc. ... and a wonderful man and woman talk about faith, God, overcoming obstacles and such...and that's exactly what I've been dealing with lately...
from arguing with the father of my kids and him not wanting to accept me being with someone else and getting married...
to the kids needing to adjust to Angel and I... and their dad and I sharing joint custody of them...
to City tickets and some that I my not have even racked up... to Credit bullshit going on.... needing a new car... just so much crap going on in my life right now and I truely need miracles. I have the number to the prayer line the 700 club shows daily.. but haven't called it yet. Maybe Monday morning! 
I need prayer in my life... I've been looking for a good church to go to as well..and a women's Bible study or some kind of group for women to just talk and let out their frustrations. I think it would do me a lot of good .  
I've tried therapy once... and the therapist was more about the money than helping. She sat and starred at me, nodded her head, agreed with everything I said, and there was just a lot of awkward silences between her and I...
she came late one time because there was traffic and my appt. was at 10 AM... she was there at 10:20... apologized, and then at 11  -she told me she would see me the following week, and didn't even let me stay that extra 20 minutes I lost because she was late. I felt like I was left hanging in the middle of me talking... she just simply said, "Okay, i'm sorry to stop you but I have an 11 AM appt. as well"... um...ok????
I stopped going to her after a few sessions of not getting anything out of it.. and when she reminded me I owed $40 for my last session... I laughed and asked why I would pay that when I was left hanging because she was late?!  She never contacted me again , and No  - I never paid that bill. Nor  -do I plan to !  EVER!!!!....... I thought about going back to therapy with someone else... but decided a women's Bible group or some kind of talking / support group would be best... so I'm checking into that now. Just haven't found one as of  yet.

I'm also reading more books lately to keep my mind occupied ... I shall be doing my own book reviews here so if you're a reader as well, and I recommend books - check them out. I shall only recommend the best... and so far... I have read
                    All 3 books of this set!!!  Now, I can't say if you should def. check these books out or not...a lot of people we're buzzing about these 3 books which go hand in hand are continuings of the last book.... many said they loved them, many said they were MUST READS, and talked about how erotic and sexy they were... me??? I didn't really like them, I DON'T recommend them... total time waster if you ask me... and I was upset after reading the 3rd book, that I wasted my time on all 3 series. I was disappointed... I won't sit here and tell you the ending because after what others say about it, maybe you will like it even if I didn't... but ... I think the end could have been better... I think the end was a total mind blower (not in a good way either)... I could think of many different ways I would have ended this ... but not the way it ended originally... my suggestion? DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME....and if you already have... maybe you think different.

       Another book I've read recently was
VERY GOOD - but very sad book ...true story of the OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS Chicago school fire over 50 years ago. 92 kids and 3 nuns parished in that fire, and as sad as it was... it made Chicago take a good look at schools, safety issues during fires and how to prevent something like this from ever happening again in schools all over... thus  - creating better fire alarms, fire drills, and different procedures in schools nationwide..thank God!  Terribly sad it took a tradgedy like this to create such great things for schools today to prevent more deaths like this in case of fires !   I would def. recommend this book. Be prepared to cry!  I did......

   Another great book I've read is

Dude is called the "Chocolate man"... I forget why... but - he basically kidnaps and kills little boys.. sad right? Dude has OCD... puts the boys shoes all in a row as a collection on his kitchen table I believe it is... and one day... Kidnaps who he thinks is a little boy because she's wearing a hoodie... when he finds out she's a little girl..........................................

well... you have to read the book to find out what happens.. but it really is a VERY good book and I def. recommend it. I actually have this book and haven't read it in a while. I plan on reading it again soon, that's how good it was. Def. what I call a "Page turner"... I wasn't able to put the dang book down!  LOL.... check it out!!!! 
I've also downloaded a few good books on my phone... (well.... the previews seemed good any way... )  so... I have def. been reading a lot more and will update on more books as I go...
I know some of you out there are big readers and so far  - these are the books I've checked out... if I come across any more good / or bad ones you do or don't need to read...I shall let ya know!  :)

      And, besides that  -  I called the city to see about  my city tickets and  how much I owe now - and they told me an amount greater than I originally owed.....I had no idea how that happened but I was told there's some red light violations from recently... here's the thing... I haven't even drove recently to be getting any red light violations.. I was told to look up my tickets online and see if the cars match any cars I've had, and even that's not working because when I type in my Drivers license says it's NOT FOUND... why my license isn't found... is beyond me!  Either I really don't owe anymore tickets... or, something is going on with my license...but, I'm not a happy camper about it and I now have to go to the city of chicago or wherever they give print outs of tickets to make sure nobody is using my Idenity... great, isn't it?!  Not to mention my purse was stolen a few years back and I was told I have a house and car in my name ... so it's time to clean up that mess and track down the assholes who are ruining my life if any!  oy! 

       I'm dead tired tonight but I plan on doing something about it tomorrow and getting the proper numbers to call asap.
      With all this going on, I've had the worst headaches that come and go... I had a few good laughs tonight however,and I def. needed them.
My mother and I went to Mcdonalds and I was getting the kids some burgers. I had told the woman taking the order I wanted the "$1 Mcdoubles - and asked her if those were the ones for $1... I'm tired okay??? lmao... my mother lost it. She started laughing so hard...and asking if I heard what I just said... she then tells the Mcdonalds worker why we were laughing and the Mcdonalds worker started laughing.
I then come to my parents house , and my brother was saying something about the Devil. I told him "Shhhh... he doesn't know I'm here yet!".... my brother gave me this funny look and commented about how I have a space in hell reserved for me... and as soon as he went into the bathroom... the lights went out here...
he yelled that he couldn't wipe.. had me cracking up.. and I commented and told him, "Hey... that's what you get for talking about the Devil.. God told you, "How do you like this"???... we laughed and as soon as the lights came back on.. he yelled out, "God said..Let there be light!"... lmao....
always a good time here!
I def. needed the laughter tonight...

      Ah well, as my eyes are coming to a close...this shall too...

Have a great rest of the weekend all...
Peace and Love.


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    31 year old divorced mom of 3 kids, book writer, Fiance to Mr. A ,  blogger who loves to write and uses it as therapy... great sense of sarcastic humor, funny, loyal friend/family member with a big heart., and just trying to make each day as good as it can get.


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