And, I must be one of his stronger ones.. lmao... 
   So, I've said this on my ABOUT ME PAGE..and I'll say it again -  since Xanga closed it's doors (the site I use to write on), did a fund raiser to keep their site open, and then made it a paying site - and very much complicated... I don't have the time to try to figure that out and when I found WEEBLY.... I fell in love. It's easy to use, it's fast, it's simple..and I really like the layouts and easy access to every-thing. So - this is where I'll be writing from now on.

    Now, when I say I must be on of God's stronger soldiers... I carry a lot of weight on my shoulders and I'm a hot mess right now.  I'm going through a lot, from being between jobs due to traveling issues, and medical problems, to relationship issues, and beyond.... I won't get into everything right now... because I just don't have the time or energy , but as I begin this...I look forward to the journey of taking you through the rest of my life ...good, bad, happy, sad, stressful, etc. I write for everything..celebrations, parties, I write about things my kids do or say , I write about other mommy things... I write about the struggles as a divorced woman who deals with her ex-husband as civil as possible.... I write about many things..random and such... !   I enjoy writing and it's like therapy to me..and A lot cheaper , too!  LOL...
I do believe my faith in God and the fact that I believe everything happens for his own reasons and good reasons at that... keeps me totally sane in this crazy life, and after years of up's and down's...I'm currently trying to get the up's back and work on me to be as successful as possible for my kids and I. 

I'm not going to lie and sit here and pretend everything is all good. I don't sugar coat anything and I'm as real as can be... I'm a hot mess right now, and with everything I'm going through...all the emotions I'm dealing with and current situations, I try my hardest to be a soldier - and to be strong knowing that if God's with me - nobody can be against me... and all I can do is pray and trust him for every-thing.

With that being said,
I'm divorced as I said... a mother of 3... trying to work 2 jobs and save money for a car, new apartment, City tickets and Christmas shopping... it's going to be a long next few months! LOL... but, If you notice through my writings in the future... I have a great sense of humor and can usually find the "funny" in any situation , good or bad! 

S0, save this site.... check back often... and I hope you enjoy reading my writings as much as I love writing them.

Peace and Love as I always say,

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    31 year old divorced mom of 3 kids, book writer, Fiance to Mr. A ,  blogger who loves to write and uses it as therapy... great sense of sarcastic humor, funny, loyal friend/family member with a big heart., and just trying to make each day as good as it can get.


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