is exactly how I feel right now!

   I'm not
allowed to talk about the ex - husband in any of my writings any more so this
will be the last one.

  Over the last few
days, he's been telling me he knows what I write on EVERY thing I have online,
he knows where I go - he's mentioned a certain place I went to eat the other
day... and long story short... he knew everything from every word I've said,
every conversation I've had , and all the above... hell, he knew things I was
writing on HERE - so, I told him that's called "STALKING", and "CYBER STALKING",
and after 3 days of breaking me down and really creeping me out ... to which he
kept telling me HE'S not the one doing it and that he asked someone to do it for
him.. but wouldn't tell me who - I finally got to my breaking point, and didn't
even want to be on anything anymore online because he's always checking and he
always knows even if my online things are private... the only way I could think
that he could figure out this site or anything else online, is through our kids
, but he said they haven't told him anything, so I started thinking that maybe
my own friends are going and telling him things, and he swore that it wasn't my
friends either. He swore on his mother's life and promised me it was nobody that
had any connection to me.. it was nobody he works with, and he said it was
someone he met that was a hacker.   Now, him and I being divorced... he has no
right going through anything of mine online or reading what I write, or say, or
do .... nothing that my friends say or do - anything.... so - as I said, after 3
days of this feeling stalked.... and not knowing who he had doing it...
following me, hacking my online personal stuff, etc. ... I called 311... I was
in tears and told the woman that I feel stalked, and that he won't tell me who
he has doing this . I asked what I could do to get it to stop, and she asked if
he's my husband, boyfriend, what?  I said we're legally divorced, and even she
sounded creeped out and told me, "Oh no honey...what he's doing is illegal and
it could escalate... I'm not saying it's going to because you know him better
than I do, but you need to protect yourself, keep yourself safe....let me talk
to my supervisor and call you right back"..  she asked for my name and number
and I gave that to her.   She called me back about 20 minutes later and said
there were two ways I could make a report. I could go into the Police station
closest to me... or call 311 back, ask for a non-emergency Police report and do
it over the phone.    I did that....
   I called 311 back and
they transfered me to a non-emergency Police officer...who was also female.  She
heard me crying and I told her I'm not scared of him, I just feel like I'm being
stalked... and he has no right to know where I am unless it's for our kids, what
I'm doing,  and what I'm writing online because I haven't written anything about
him for the longest... unless it's little stuff here and there but nothing
terrible.... he also told me that he used the Police at his job to look up
information, and I told this officer that, and said it's getting out of control
and now he's not only stalking me, he's CYBER STALKING....looking up whatever I
have online, checking what I'm writing and doing, and I'm tired of it...

she was creeped out as well, and told me my first step is to
put a restraining order into effect and told me where to go. She then said no
Police officer can look up information just because someone asks them to, or to
run a name  -because it's illegal and I could sue whichever Police officer did
it and they could be fired. She told me if I do put the restraining order into
effect, they could make sure to add ONLINE STALKING/CYBER STALKING to things he
can NOT do... and if he mentions any recent activity I do - he'll be locked up.

I didn't make a report that night... I decided to ask him
again to tell me who is stalking me. Who he has hacking my accounts, and he even
told me himself he got a hacker to do it... I then remembered that if you visit
a site... your IP address is recorded, so I told him if I do make the report and
the Police get involved and go to court, the court will find the IP address of
anyone who was on my sites... he told me to "Go ahead", and said the courts
wouldn't find out anything because this person knows what he's doing, and that's
why he's called a hacker!  So, I got extremely aggravated, felt violated, and
told him thanks to him - I'm closing down every single thing I have online... he
told me I didn't have to do that. I told him, "I do...because thanks to you...I
don't know who to trust and not to trust anymore... I don't know whose looking
at my stuff, giving you information, or anything....thank you for ruining the
things I enjoy!"..... and he still wouldn't tell me who he had stalking or
looking at my stuff or how they got the information or whatever.... I decided to
do what I had to do to protect myself. 
I called the Domestic
unit and asked for a restraining order to be put in effect.  I was told I had to
go downtown and talk to the States Attorney. I didn't want to, but if it meant
stopping whoever he had stalking me and stopping this person from CYBER stalking
all my pages.... so be it!  I was going to do what I had to do as a divorced
woman who wants peace.....

I found out that what was going
on - is a Class 4 Felony !!!     A FELONY......and my ex husband has a clean
record , so if I went to the States Attorney , got the restraining order, and
put the CYBER STALKING charges against him, who knows what would have
happened... but , I gave him the chance to come clean and told him I did not
want to mess up his clean record. I'm not a bitch.....  I know he likes to call
me it thousands of times and think it... but i'm really not... I'd like to keep
the peace between him and I... him and his family... him and my family - as much
as possible.... but he has broken me down in the last few days, and I've been
stressed out, emotionally stressed, depressed, tired.... and not wanting to deal
with someone tailing me..online or in person.... so, I had to try to break him
down and get him to tell me... He did....
He eventually told me
that on his mother's life ... (and for her sake, I hope he's telling the
truth).... that he doesn't have anyone stalking me, following me, and there's no
hacker breaking into my shhhh! 
He said that HE has looked at my stuff that
he could find online himself from searching my name.... I don't know if I
believe him or not, but he said he just wanted to piss me off, aggravate me, and
make me worry... Yes !  That's exactly how he is because he's done this type of
thing before.... the sad thing is - the Dr. has told me I can NOT be stressed
out, worried, aggravated, etc... because it's not good for my health...and with
him knowing my health conditions, and him still doing this.... it's sad. He's
done this before where he'll say he knows where my fiance lives, he knows where
I was, he has pictures and videos in his phone, and BS like that... and my
mother has asked why he does that to me, and he'll admit, "To piss her off".

What I want, is a good friendship with him
where we can both be there for the kids... be civil, and be able to talk without
yelling - fighting - and such. He hasn't learned that yet. So, I try to be as
civil and calm as possible not only for my health - but for the kids..... they
don't need to see anymore fighting. After he admitted there is nobody stalking
me and no hacker... (let's hope).... he admitted to being angry with me, hurt,
pissed off, and tired of this situation.  He's angry I found someone else... and
I reminded him of the two women he was talking to as well.... and not to try to
make me feel guilty when one woman turned out to be a "cat fish".... (an online
person who pretends to be someone they're not)... and the other worked things
out with her man .... but, that's his business and I'm not going to sit here and
tell it all...that's not my place...

way.... he asked me last night to please respect him and not put his name on any
writings I do ... and any social networks I join, or have..or what not... but I
don't use much so I can guarantee this is the last time (unless it's something
with the kids and him) that his name will be used.  I'll respect his wishes if
he can respect mine and have a civil friendship for these kids. He said last
night he wants to start fresh... no drama between us, no bullshit... no pety
arguing, none of that... so we'll see how that goes or how long it lasts. I'm
more than willing to be civil to him, his family... whatever... he's the one
whose been acting like he's 5... so we'll see.
I have no
problem with him other than his childish drama... and if that can stop - we can
be civil. Lord knows I hate going downtown for court...so I'm not trying to
spend anymore time down there than need be. I don't want to take him to
court...I don't want to put the restraining order into effect... I don't want to
deal with the States Attorney and my ex-husband doesn't need a felony on his
record ...so just this once...I'm letting the cyber stalking slide,... and as
for knowing where I was there other day eating  - he saw a receipt that was in
my purse... I guess our youngest daughter has been in my purse or
something...who knows?! 
I just hope this all stops

     Respecting his wishes ... let's get 
off the subject of him....

       The kids had
OPEN HOUSE at school yesterday.  Or as they call it now, "Meet the teachers
night"... where parents get to go and see the class rooms, and what the kids do
and made...etc.... we went to Lani's classroom first. Her teacher did a
presentation of all the things that goes on in the class room, what the kids do
all day, and what they're learning, etc.  She's teaching these kindergarten kids
MATH... addition and subtraction. Kindergarten for me was all play and learning
here and there... it has def. changed... I didn't learn math until 1st and 2nd
grade so for Lani to be learning it now ... I find it to be different... good
different but still different. They're learning letters, how to put sentences
together, word reconizing, science, social studies, etc. everything!!!  So, it's
a great thing and I'm happy she has the teacher she has because it seems like
she's really involved with her students and really cares about their academic
success. Lani has done much better not crying in class..and is finally use to
it. The teacher has an excellent reward system, and gives her students star
stickers daily and when they fill them up...they get to pick a prize from the
class treasure chest... Lani is doing everything asked of her, and she'll come
home and tell me everything she's learned. Homework is simple because it's only
15 minutes a day and she has a homework folder where she gets to pick what she
does for her homework... it's an excellent system!   My kids go to a Magnet
Cluster school that I was kind of iffy about at first, but it's an amazing
school that really challenges the kids. Lani made me giggle a bit when the
ex-hubby and I almost started arguing outside her classroom, and she told us ,
"Hey , no fighting in front of my class!"  .... we told her we were sorry, and
it's funny and sad at the same time that our 5 year old had to put us in check! 

Outside her class room, all the kids hung a picture of themselves and a
paper saying what they can do by themselves. Our Lani had her picture up and it
said, "I can brush my teeth"...  :)   I tried taking a picture of it, but my
phone is awful - I need a new one, and instead... it took a video.. smh.

We went to Frankie's class next and I laughed
when he asked if it was over, or if she was still seeking people. The teacher
told him to "come on in", and I told him, "Nice try".... to which the teacher
laughed and said, "I agree".... he's a slick little one! lmao.... Amazingly,
Frankie's desk was spotless and organized.Last year... we had a problem where he
had pencil shavings in his desk, garbage, rolled up paper balls, and all... and
he was a big class clown. This year, his teacher says he's well behaved...
calmed down his talking back... and turns in class work right away. He just has
a problem turning in his homework assignments.. to which he made the excuse that
sometimes he's at his grandmas. I told him, "If you're with me, you know you can
ask for help... if you're with your dad, you know he'll help you..and if you're
at grandmas, you know she or tita will help you...so don't even play me like
that!"..... the other day... he brought home an "F" on his reading logs, and he
had been with his dad that week... so when I had him for a few days the other
day... I checked his new reading logs and compared the 2... and told him, "well
look at this... first of all , I bet you got an F because you're not filling in
all the information they're asking ..... " and I sat with him , made him fill
out ALL the information from the Book title... to the Author... to writing his
date, time, 5 sentences needed, and having me sign it.... and ... yesterday, I
asked the teacher about the "F" reading logs, and the ones I worked with him
on...and she said that YES... the new ones are much better, and that's what she
wanted. I also told Frankie in front of her, that from now on - any homework he
has... needs to be written in his planner and I'll sign it... or his dad will
sign it since we both share the kids now and have joint custody.  She has told
me how smart Frankie is and that he has a lot of potential which I told Frankie.
  Frankie told me he doesn't feel smart, and I asked why not and told him never
say that again because I don't make stupid kids!  I told him how smart and
handsome he is...

   Tiffanie didn't have OPEN
HOUSE/Meet the teachers night because when we went for her graduation meeting a
few weeks ago, that was her meet the teachers night. I felt bad because i made
her come with, stay there with us, she was terribly bored...argued with her, 
and I thought she was lying because she didn't want me to talk to her teacher...
so after Frankie's meeting, we left...and Tiffanie was the first one out the
door... I saw her cousin outside, and asked him about it and he said the same
thing... NO - they did not have meet the teachers night for 8th graders because
they had theirs at their graduation meeting... I joked and told him, "Yeah, you
just don't want your mom talking to your teacher either!"... lmao.... but they
were telling the truth. (Holy crap...kids can do that?) lmao... I know...

   Other than that.... I got a few
jobs offers I'm excited about... the one that I thought I had that they offered
me before I could even ask... (I think I mentioned it somewhere below)... they
haven't called or said anything so I'm just waiting... I'll be going in there
today to see what's going on... but I got an offer from an Insurance company...
and then an offer from H.H. Gregg.... electronic store!  Hey...I'll do anything
right about now to pay off my city tickets and get a new car...

     So - with that being said... have a
beautiful day...peace and Love...I'm going to get my morning coffee!  LOL...


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    31 year old divorced mom of 3 kids, book writer, Fiance to Mr. A ,  blogger who loves to write and uses it as therapy... great sense of sarcastic humor, funny, loyal friend/family member with a big heart., and just trying to make each day as good as it can get.


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