Yesterday was my Grandmothers (R.I.P.) birthday as I mentioned below. She would
have been 86.  I have been staying at my parents house with my kids for a few
days to relax my mind and get out of my place, so I decided to take my son
Frankie and my youngest daughter Lani and go to the store. I had a lot of bad
news yesterday and didn't want to be inside, and I felt like doing something
We ended up getting 3 pizzas from the store, some pop,
ice cream, and a few other things, along with trying to figure out what to get
for dessert. We ended up by the bakery section and saw all the birthday cakes in
the freezers... and got one of those. My dads birthday is the 15th and I
probably won't be here for it, and since Yia Yia's was yesterday, I decided to
ask the bakery woman to write "Happy birthday Grandpa and Yia Yia", on the cake.
When she finished, she brought it around the counter to me and asked if she
could ask me a question. I told her "Sure", and she asked, "Why Grandpa and Yia
Yia and not Pappou".. Pappou is grandpa in Greek so I guess she thought the two
were together... I replied with, "How do I explain this one?"... and she
giggled. I told her the grandpa was my dad and my kids grandpa... and the Yia
Yia was actually my moms mom who passed away so no relations.. and she
understood - I hope! LOL... I tried my best to explain it to her any way.

we got the cake, the pizza, the pop and
ice cream... and came back... we all sat outside and ate, had a good time.. my
youngest went swimming in the back yard pool, and after dinner, my sister in law
and I took the cake outside to my dad.
Now... here's the weird

She had lit the candles in the hallway
before we took the cake outside. I told her the wind was going to blow them out
and suggested she did it outside but she did it any way indoors... when she got
outside, sure enough - the wind blew the candles out. My mother noticed the cake
had her moms name from my brother and I on it also, and she had tears in her
eyes.. said , "Happy birthday mom", and blew a kiss to the sky... My sister in
law took the cake to my dad and lit them again. They stayed lit and as soon as
we sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him .... the candles went out. ALL OF THEM at one
time... so my sister in law was going to lit them again but a few seconds before
she could, they ALL came back on at the same time after going out. And no..they
were NOT trick candles. We thought it was weird but didn't think much of
it...and then, my brother behind me said, "Well, Yia Yia blew out her candles
and then lit them again for dad".... I didn't even think of it that way, but you
never know.. I totally believe in spirits around us, and it could def. have been
that she was here with us today and blew out the candles on the cake that had
her name on it as well..

After we cleaned up and came in the house, my brother and sister in law took the
kids to the store to get a few things, and I was talking to my mother about the
candles going out as soon as we finished singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and then coming
back on all at once without having to be lit again... and dad able to blow them
out.  I told my mother what my brother said, and she started crying so hard. I
felt bad... she didn't even think of it that way and when I mentioned it, she
freaked out and said it WAS weird how they didn't go off until after we finished
singing and then came back on before my sister in law could lit them again - all
at one time as well... so, as of right now, we'd like to think Yia Yia was with
us, blew out her candles, and then re-lit them for my dad to do it as well. I
don't care how silly, or wild it sounds.... it's a nice thought.... !  and a
damn good explanation for what happened with the candles... !  :)    and

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    31 year old divorced mom of 3 kids, book writer, Fiance to Mr. A ,  blogger who loves to write and uses it as therapy... great sense of sarcastic humor, funny, loyal friend/family member with a big heart., and just trying to make each day as good as it can get.


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