   My best friend since 2nd grade (Trish) and I got into a big argument... along with Trish and our friend Melissa arguing as well. Long story , nobody needs to know it... or what went on... but , Melissa and I felt like Trish was wrong for a few things she said and did, Trish felt we were wrong for what we didn't do in the friendship... and it just got out of control so Trish decided to stop talking to both of us.  Melissa is the type who will not go chasing someone who walks out of her life. She feels like she's too old to be chasing people and if people want to walk out of her life..she lets them go.  I'm like that in some ways .... but when it comes to life long - long time friends... I can't be.  So, I wasn't okay that Trish and I weren't talking, and I wasn't okay that after being friends for 24 years... best friends at that - it had come down to us agreeing to NEVER talk again... and that we have nothing in common anymore...(except our love for the t.v. show F.R.I.E.N.D.S) as Trish mentioned... and we should just go our separate ways. We ended the friendship, and for about a month, didn't have any communication at all.  I tried texting her. I tried e-mailing her. I got nothing in return.  Trish and I have had many many argument in the past... but , we've always ended up talking again...but to think that this time might really have been the last time... it bothered me.  I don't just let friends go like that and not try to work it out. I decided to eventually give up, and accept the fact that the friendship was over.  We had both threw mistakes we made over the years in the friendship in each others faces and there was nothing left to say to each other.

However, a few nights later... after accepting it... I was watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and it was an episode where Joey was waiting for an important call for an audition to a commercial he really wanted to do, and Chandler was so busy thinking about other things, doing other things...that when the call came in, and he was suppose to write down the audition time and date/place .... Monica came in and he totally forgot.  When Joey came home and found out someone else got the job and that they did call but Chandler didn't write it down or tell him, Joey was extremely upset, told Chandler he knew how important this was to him, and blamed him for losing the audition. Chandler said it was a mistake, and Joey told him he makes a lot of those mistakes in their friendship.  He then started telling Chandler all the mistakes he had made through-out them being friends.... they did flashbacks to all these mistakes Chandler had made to hurt or piss off Joey... and when Joey was done.. Chandler had told him, "Oh, it's not like you've never made any mistakes"... Joey told him, "Name one"... Chandler went on, and on, and on... about memories and mistakes that Joey had made  - that hurt or pissed off Chandler in the past.  When he was done, I laughed when Joey gave him this weird look and told him, "I said ONE!"...... LOL.   That episode was bitter / sweet to me because it reminded me of all the mistakes Trish and I had thrown in each other's faces and it should have never went down like that.  And... in the episode of Friends that I saw that day... after they went their separate ways, Joey and Chandler both started having flashbacks and memories to all the funny, crazy, and good times they've had together  as well.... and they both realized they missed each other and the friendship...and they weren't okay "not talking".  I thought of all the good, crazy, and funny times and memories Trish and I have had over the years.... and here's some just to name a few..... 

How we met in 2nd grade when she transfered to our school and was put in
our classroom, and this kid Joey , who annoyed the hell out of everyone, made
fun of her, and I stood up for her so he made fun of me for standing up for her
... her and I became best friends and hung out daily after that. My family got
to know her, and her family got to know me.

The time we went to this kid Russel's
house and hung out with him and this kid Freddy and came home past curfew... her
dad and my mom were on the corner waiting for us and started screaming their
heads off.... WHERE WERE YOU GUYS? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?  and, what was
even funnier, was that we both said, "watch your mom and my dad, your dad and my
mom - be on the corner waiting for us!".. .and there they were. LMAO...

Or, the time we and our
brothers went up on the train tracks to put pennies on them and flatten em...
and a cop pulled up , saw Trish and I and made us get down. He lectured the hell
out of us, how we could be badly hurt or killed by a train, and asked if anyone
else was up there. We said NO, and he asked, "well then, whose feet are
those?".... and he caught our brothers up there as well, told them to come down,
and said if he passed again and saw us back up there, he was taking us in for
Tresspassing. lol...

And, I can't
forget the time her and I went to Venture and the lights all turned off while we
were sitting in the cafe... and everyone in the store ALL AT ONE TIME said
OOOOHHHHHH, and when they came back on, said AAAAAHHHHH.... like it rehearsed!

Another time, my grandma
and pap-pap came in and saw me in Venture with Trish. My grandma asked where my
parents were and I told her "home". She made me get in the car and took me right
back home saying I was too young to be there alone. And, when she left... I told
my dad, "I'm going back to meet up with Trish"... when I got there, Trish was
laughing and asked who let me come back... I told her, "my dad..... it's only 2
blocks away!"...

One memory I'll
always love with Trish, is the night before our 8th grade Springfield, IL. trip.
We had to be there really early in the morning for the buses and I spent the
night at her house. We stayed up watching t.v  until 2 AM, and we finally got
tired and bored but we didn't want to go to sleep so we decided to get shaving
cream and put it on her brothers head. We went back into the living room to
watch t.v. again. We forgot all about it until her brother got up to use the
bathroom and we started cracking up. He came out into the living room to watch
t.v. with us and asked what we were laughing at, and told us... "you guys are
retarted"... lmao... he scratched his head and saw all the shaving cream all
over his hands, and woke up their father. He came out, yelled at us, told us how
immature and lame that was... and when her brother cleaned up and went back to
bed, her dad laughed, and told us, "Next time, if you're gonna do that...do it
right at least... put some on his hand and tickle his nose!"... LMAO... we
started cracking up! 

one that makes me laugh, is the time in 8th grade when we saw Joey (yes, the
same annoying Joey from 2nd grade) dressed up for 8th grade pictures. We were
joking around saying he'd probably be in some dirty jeans with holes in them, a
stained T shirt and his hair all messed up as usual... but when we  saw him...
our mouths dropped open and we had NOTHING to say... he had on black slack
pants, nice shiny black shoes... a nice white dress shirt and a tie!  He looked
good that day.. his hair was slicked back...and we couldn't believe it.. but I
laugh at the looks on our faces because he shut us up that day! LOL...

And, of course -
I'll never forget the time we went to her aunts house with her family... and we
were in the living room..while her mom and aunts talked in the kitchen, and her
dad was in one of her aunts bedrooms watching t.v.  The phone in the living room
rang, she answered it, and there was nobody talking, but she heard breathing. It
happened a few times, and we were getting freaked out. Her aunts even told us
not to answer the phone anymore, but Trish wanted to find out who it was... when
she answered after a few times, she said some guy with a raspy voice said he
knew where we were and he was coming to get us...and hung up. After a few more
weird phone calls, or the guy just breathing , or saying the weirdest stuff...
he'd hang up and Trish would run to the kitchen to tell her aunts and mom what
the guy said this time, or the last time, etc. They were talking about calling
the cops if it continued.. and Trish and I had to laugh when we walked past her
aunts room on our way back to the living room,and we heard the phone in the
living room ring, and saw her dad hang up the phone in the bedroom...and then
the ringing in the living room stopped. Trish laughed and asked if HE was the
one making the calls. Her dad tried NOT to laugh but asked what she was talking
about!  LMAO... good

Another time that
cracks me up still that we shared together - is when the Chicago BULLs won the
championships, and Chicago was going crazy...fireworks, people yelling and
screaming , cars beeping, all of it... Trish, me, our brothers, her sister and a
few neighbor teens were outside screaming and making noise at passing cars that
beeped at us and cheered... Trish's mom looked out the window and told us to
come inside... when we got in there.. she said we had to stay in because we were
making too much noise. Trish's brother told her, "SO IS THE REST OF
CHICAGO!".... we started laughing sssoooo hard. She looked at us and told us,
"Don't encourage him!"... lmao.. but she did let us go back outside as long as
we toned it down a bit. :)

And - even as
we became adults... Trish and I still had so many great and funny memories

We were walking back to her
parents house one time from a store we went to and a group of idiots in a car
tried getting our numbers. We lied and told them we didn't even live around
there...we live around Jefferson park... they wanted us to go chill at some
house around the area we were at... so, when they passed by Trish's parents
house a few hours later and saw us sitting on the porch, one of the guys stuck
his head out the window and said, "Oh yeah, Jefferson park huh?".... lol.

Trish had this annoying
little shit living next door to her parents house a few years back. Everytime we
were outside.. he'd always come bother us, or get sarcastic ...talk shit to us
and thought he was funny..lol.. well, there was one day he said something about
how her and I probably meet guys in chat rooms or something... we looked at each
other and got sarcastic with him... I asked him "Chat? What's that?"... Trish
started laughing and asked him, "What's this chat you speak of?".... he looked
so confused really believing we had never heard of chat rooms!  Lmao....

And, recently... her and I met up for
lunch and decided to take it back to her place... as we were eating and watching
Maury, we were laughing and joking so hard about the idiots who cheat on their
women, go there and take lie detector tests or go in the green room and kiss and
flirt with these sexy decoys like they've never seen the Maury show before... !
lmao... seriously.... who hasn't??? So, they know what they're doing!  No girl
is going to be put into a green room with you and really be interested... you've
seen the show before dudes...come on... nothing has changed! lol... we thought
it was hilirious how these guys come on the show and think they'll be different
and maybe the sexy decoy is really a woman waiting to be on the show...smh! 
Trish and I had a great time making fun of them and men we know as well.. LOL.

  So, as I
watched Joey and Chandler recall their funny and good memories together... it
made me think of ours... and this isn't all of them.. I'd be here all night if I
wrote about all of them.. but these are a few of the funniest over the years...
we have tons more... so, I'd love to keep my friendship with Trish. It's been
too damn long with too many memories - good and bad - and we always made it thru
the bad... One thing Joey (our 2nd grade pest) always did... was find a way to
make her and I talk again if we weren't speaking to each other over the years...
and I recently decided to take the first step and email her.. and I told her
just that.. If Joey was right and he knew we weren't talking right now, he'd do
something to fix that. Sadly, Joey is in Texas and we no longer talk to him...
so , we have to fix this on our own. I emaild her on FB, and told her I was
going to send her a 15 page letter that I wrote by hand... which I really did,
but after it became 17 pages and I still had so much more to say... I decided
just this time... that a personal email would work best, so she gave me her
personal email address,and I'll be doing that tonight! : )  I'm happy that I got
that off my chest and now it's time to open my thoughts, mind and heart to her
and she said she has a lot she'd like to say to me too - so hopefully, this is
either going to be a new beginning, a fresh start to a beautiful friendship that
was always good, but can be even better - or... it's going to be the final
good-bye... but I hope for the first. Her and I have a lot of history and that's
not something I'd like to walk away from and pretend I never knew her. I just
can't do that.  My friendships mean so much more to me and if I can save them, I
will.... I'll be emailing her tonight. 

It's true what the saying says...
"It's great when 2 strangers become the best of friends, 
but so sad when the best of friends become like strangers!"..... oy!

(Just an update on this so I don't have to write a whole new post.... we're friends again.. we both admitted to our mistakes over the years, we both admitted we're stubborn, LOL... and we need to both work on this friendship for it to work! )  :)
NOW, IF only I could get Melissa and Trish to talk again. smh.... we're like a bunch of high school girls when it comes to this shit. LMAO...
this is crap my teen daughter should be going through, not me!

Peace and Love,

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    31 year old divorced mom of 3 kids, book writer, Fiance to Mr. A ,  blogger who loves to write and uses it as therapy... great sense of sarcastic humor, funny, loyal friend/family member with a big heart., and just trying to make each day as good as it can get.


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