As you can see.... my babies started school again for the 2013/2014 school year.
:)  My oldest (Tiffanie) is now 13 and in the 8th grade. She'll be graduating
next year and going to high school. AAAARRGGGHHH!  LOL... but, she's a great
kid. They all are.... Frankie is in the 4th grade. He was held back a year and I
totally blame his first 3rd grade teacher... I have reported her for certain
reasons and I don't think she did anything to help Frankie , but ...what can I
do? He's in 4th, and our goal this year is to just get through and for us to
help him do his best...and he is! He started this year of with an "A" on a
report he had to do. YAY! That's a start... and my little Kailani is in
Kindergarten... oh my!!! The first day of school, she was fine. I walked her
there, she went to class... I registered her and she did great!!! The 2nd day...
yesterday... I don't know what happened but the teacher informed me she cried
and cried and cried on and off all day and was soooo ready to go home... so when
I brought her to school today, she cried and cried and cried, and I had to lie
about how I was going to stay with her but needed a sticker from the office
saying I could stay , so she had to go to class and I'd be right there. She is
NOT stupid and told me, "Go get the sticker while I'm right here!".. lmao... She
hugged me, begged me not to go, told me she wanted to go home, and when the
teacher came for the kids... cried some more as this woman Carmen who works at
the school and knows me - grabbed Lani's hand and lied saying I was going to get
some tissue. She wasn't the only student crying but still - it breaks my
heart!!! Even the lunch room staff felt bad for the ones who were in tears. It's
so sad having to walk away while she's crying but the teacher is trying to get
rid of the whole Separation Anxiety for her students and trying to teach them
Independance, so - she doesn't allow parents beyond the lunch room. I think
she'll get use to it eventually... I just don't think she thought school would
However, besides that - the teacher gave
her students 2 pages of name writing to do to learn to write their names and
Lani did that last night. It took forever but we finally got it done, and the
teacher asked that I help her learn how to write her "K's' for now... we did
it...so I hope she remembers and sticks to it... that took 10 minutes to teach
her. At first I showed her how to write K's, but she wasn't getting it, so I
thought, "how can I make this easier?"... I finally came up with a trick... I
drew a line down, showed her where the middle of the line was, made a dot... did
a line up from the dot.. and then line down from the dot...and that's EXACTLY
how she learned!!! :) She was so excited and asked me if I was so proud of her.
I laughed and told her, "Of course I'm so proud of you"... so I made her do it
over and over and over again until she finally learned the trick, and made
perfect K's.... :) I giggled because when I told the teacher how I taught her,
she was amazed and told me she has to remember that trick! LOL.

   And, today... my oldest
has a meeting the 8th grade parents MUST attend so I'm def. excited and looking
forward to that... the meeting is about graduation requirement, high school
applications, test scores needed, possible scholarships... and a bunch of other
things the parents and 8th graders need to know for graduation and such. I can't
believe she's graduating!!! 

  In other
news.... I will hopefully be moving soon with my love, and my babies... I'm
excited to start this new chapter in my life and can't wait. Ex hubby is very
much bitter and mean to me right now, doesn't want me to be happy and is acting
like a totally big baby... I've tried to be nice. I've tried to be civil...I've
tried to be good friends for our children. The kind of friends who can be at our
oldest daughters graduation with the new man in my life...and he and I can say
hello to each other with no hard feelings... the kind of friends where we can be
at events for our kids together, with his new girl (when he finds one) and my
new man and both be peaceful, say hello..and move on... but right now...I don't
see that happening...
smh.... we had got into a huge fight last
week involving the Chicago Police. I swear, if you wanted to commit a crime,
last week was the time to do it because the whole department seemed to be at my
house. One of the female cops made a statement about learning how to act in
front of the kids, and I felt like telling her, "TELL HIM THAT".... but, there's
never any point talking back to a cop!  You won't win... and it doesn't look
good on me if I'm trying to become one.  Neither of us went to jail that night
thankfully..and I decided that after that day, I was going to "WWJD" it (what
would Jesus do)? ...and just be as peaceful as possible and ignore all his
bitter and mean comments, accusations, and rudeness... it takes two to argue and
I refuse to be the 2nd person in any of it.... I also found out that while we
were married... he lied about a lot of things... AND... even during our divorce
and NOW... he continued to lie about a lot of things... his own cousin ratted
him out... and , I decided to be happy with the new person in my life... I'm
happy completely.... and I just hope ex hubby can be civil in the future...and
that's the end of it..

THAT......we got another dog!  yes, you read right! I didn't want the dog...
but, I didn't want to look like the bad guy either... the kids went to a party
the other day and some guy was trying to give them a cat. I would have rather
had the cat... but the kids wanted another MIN PIN since we already have one..
and , I told them YES - for some crazy reason. The dogs name is Chico... he's a
fat little guy... sweet as hell, but our Minnie does NOT get along with
him...and both dogs fight. I feel like I have 5 kids. The kids fight. The dogs
fight...and I'm always cleaning up after all 5... It's suppose to be Frankie's
dog but he's never home during the day to take care of him. He's always with his
friends, so I asked him if we could sell Chico, and I'd give him the money. He
agreed THANK GOD.... !  I really don't want or need TWO dogs in the house...
it's just too much drama and noise! 

   I had to laugh as well
yesterday because I gave oldest a cell phone for her birthday now that she's
getting older, and needs one... I also like the fact I could call her and know
where she is all the time.  So, she calls me yesterday and asks if she can go to
the park with a few of her friends. The conversation went like

  Me:  Whose the adult

Tiff:  One of the kids moms, I
don't know her name.

Me:  Whose the kid? 

Tiff:  I don't know

Me:  Then NO..you can NOT

Tiff:  Mom, come on...why

Me:  You don't know the kids name. You
don't know the moms name. I don't know the kids name and I haven't talked to the

(To which she threw a fit, and hung up on
me..and called me back twice begging to go, to which I still kept saying NO!)...

Tiff:  you know what, I'm 13..I'm

Me:  You're NOT going and if I find out
you did, I'm calling the Police because you did NOT have permission.

Tiff:  Mom, I'm 13, I can go...

Me:  No, you really

Tiff:  Man, I can't wait until I'm 18.

Me:  Well since you're only 13 and you're not
going .... you'll be alive when you're 18 because bad things happen to 13 year
old girls who think they can do whatever they want... so if I know you're not
going.... I'll feel safe and know you'll be safe and live to see 18.

(to which she hung up and got grounded from
her phone because of her talking back and

I gave it back last night because
she needs it for me to get ahold of her... but, I told her the next time she
talks back and doesn't listen... she is NOT getting it back...

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    31 year old divorced mom of 3 kids, book writer, Fiance to Mr. A ,  blogger who loves to write and uses it as therapy... great sense of sarcastic humor, funny, loyal friend/family member with a big heart., and just trying to make each day as good as it can get.


    October 2013
    September 2013
    August 2013
    July 2013